CACIL’s mission is to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities by supporting the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in safeguarding the rights, ensuring equal access and opportunities and promoting the Independent Living philosophy both within the disability community and to the public.
Community Based Living
All persons with disabilities will have the opportunity to live life on their own terms in the communities of their choice and in homes that they choose.
We advocate for:
• Resources to help people avoid costly placement in nursing facilities and other institutional settings,
• Ensuring that all people with disabilities have the option to leave nursing facility placement and have the supports needed to successfully live in their chosen community.
Housing that is accessible, affordable and integrated into the community. Housing is a basic human need, serving as the foundation for employment, family and community participation and independence.
We advocate for housing that supports:
• Aging in place to avoid unnecessary nursing facility placement,
• Universal design that promotes the greatest flexibility to meet diverse access needs,
• Housing that is constructed for “visitability” by people with physical disabilities, and,
• A range of affordable housing options exists in all communities in Connecticut
People with disabilities will have the same choices as others in the state, to visit family and friends, go shopping and to restaurants, go to appointments, all without needing to make arrangements several days in advance.
We advocate for:
• Transportation that is affordable, appropriate, and accessible
• Transportation that is available at all times, in all parts of the state and crosses city and town lines
Education that is available, affordable and accessible to everyone. Education is critical to an individual’s success in life and everyone must be granted the same opportunities to pursue their education.
We advocate for:
• Children and adults with disabilities to have the needed supports throughout their educational years and career advancement.
• Ensuring that all people with disabilities are able to make informed decisions about their education, choices, responsibilities, and long-term goals.
All individuals, regardless of disability, will have the opportunity to be full members of their community where they can live, learn, work and play through all stages of life. For many, employment defines who we are and is a source of justifiable pride. Work improves individual and family finances, and it helps us connect socially.
We advocate for:
• Employment that gives individuals a sense of purpose and self-worth.
• A range of competitive employment options for people with disabilities and for any necessary supports that may be required.
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology that is affordable and available for people with disabilities. In today’s world, most people use some form of technology. People with disabilities are no different, except having access to appropriate assistive technology is critical in achieving their goals and promoting independence in employment, communities, home management, access to healthcare, and to obtain and manage benefits and entitlements.
We advocate for:
Access to an array of funding for the purchase and maintenance of assistive technology in a timely manner.
Funding the CIL's
A strong, vibrant network of independent living centers that are locally available to all of CT’s citizens – no matter where they live in the state. Sadly, state funding in CT for the CILs has been stagnant and even reduced, for many years despite the rise in costs and demands for independent living services.
We advocate for:
Increased and sustainable funding for CT’s independent living centers.